good news for the kids :
we have some oral English classes which are especially designed for kids who are still in primary school by now. And the classes are mainly for improving kids' listening and speaking ability.and besides that the speaking class could also improve kids' self--expressing ability.all the oral classes will be taught by MATT.
Do please come and get more information here in 亿达世纪城欧美亚外语学校。
电话:82131539. 15898126940 .李校长作者: windingmoon 时间: 2010-6-3 15:06
3岁的小不点可以么?作者: LeLe-mother 时间: 2010-6-3 21:31 标题: 回复 #2 windingmoon 的帖子 本校授课对象:3岁-成人托福,雅思。所以,欢迎来访!:)作者: bluerainbow 时间: 2010-6-4 12:21
具体在什么位置,有外教成人口语课程吗?作者: clh 时间: 2010-6-4 21:54
是啊,什么位置,去看看。。。作者: 嘟妈妈 时间: 2010-6-7 15:57
怎么收费?方便短我,谢谢。儿子快4岁了。作者: windingmoon 时间: 2010-6-7 17:39