
标题: 常用的电话!(转贴,感谢制作人) [打印本页]

作者: 空客333    时间: 2007-10-8 08:30
标题: 常用的电话!(转贴,感谢制作人)






大连市建筑工程质量投诉举报办公室              沙河口区电话 83621207

测绘 大连市房地产测绘中心                         咨询电话 83672067

室内空气测绘 大连市环境监测中心                咨询电话 84666620
大连市质量技术监督检验所                          咨询电话 84603129

物业管理 大连市房地产管理局物业处             咨询电话 82637498
物业收费 大连市物价局物价检验索                咨询电话 83636610 83623075

合同签订 大连工商行政管理局合同处             咨询电话 84358503 84358530
合同纠纷 大连仲裁委员会                            咨询电话 83659071 83659072

供水 大连市自来水公司                               服务热线 83601000
供暖 大连市集中供暖办                               服务热线 83640065
供电 大连市电业局                                     服务热线 95598
                                                              营业部 82612192
煤气 大连市煤气公司                                  服务热线 96177
                                                              办公室 83609130
房产交易市场合同备案处         咨询电话 83685566-8037

盗警        110*        火警        119*
急救中心        120*         交通肇事        122*
查号台        114        报时台        117
国际直拨受话人付费电话         108        
电话障碍台        112
国内人工长途挂号        113        
天气预报         121
电话信息台        160        
自动信息服务台        168
国内话费查询台        170        
自动查询电话         1701
自动查询传真        1702        
国内半自动长途电话         173
电信投诉         180*        
邮政编码查询        184
特快专递        185        
移通业务咨询        1860
移动话费查询        1861                   
大连火车站问询处         82603331、16823456         
大连周水子国际机场问询处        86652071
大连港客运站问询处         82636061        
大连长途汽车站问询处        82637141
市出租汽车管理处         83638328        
市客运交通管理处        82496664
大连汽车租赁有限公司         82670310         
市公共汽车联替公司         82893403
大连京安汽车租赁有限公司         83628399         
大连博大汽车租赁有限公司         82801257
市物价局         83622576         
交通局         83638168
市消费者协会         83672567、83150315         
市物价检查所         83636059
中山公安分局         82637821         
市公安局         83631486
沙河口公安分局         84606628         
西岗公安分局         83632107
大连日报社         82646479         
甘井子公安分局         86600583
大连电视台新闻全景         83692867         
大连晚报社         82807881
大连人民广播电台         84641390         
市卫生局        83629264
交通事故处理        86613052,86613059        
市房地产管理局        82633762
有线电视安装维修        86384457,86384446        
西岗房地产管理处        83631432
供电事故处理        86613211        
甘井子房地产管理处        86658907
自来水维修:得胜维修所        86613155        
沙河口房地产管理处        84608212
自来水维修:登丰维修所        86388734        
中山房地产管理处        82642704
自来水维修:光荣维修所        86383214        
市爱卫会        83647709
市住宪小区治理改造工程指挥部办公室        82639610        
市房地产交易所        83691485
市城市房屋拆迁管理办公室        82636189        
市房改办        82644981
市供热办        83620733,83640065        
市工商局        83672540
市教委        84649451        
市社会文化管理办公室        84602747
市综合管理监察大队        83635598        
市对外经济技术合作管理中心        83623622
市公用局        83629021        
开发办        83649710
市煤气供应公司        84304115        
市煤气报修服务中心        84301111(昼夜)
市自来水供应公司        83690834        
市城建局        83627577
市排水处        86653932        
中山区城建局        82680225
西岗区城建局        83635643        
沙河口区城建局        84311600
甘井子区城建局        86602122        
市工商局        83672540
市国税局        83687665        
市地税局        82813473
市物价局        83622576        
市物价检查所        83636059
市环保局        84326054        
市内供电局        82612387(昼) 82612374(夜)
中山供电局        82711222(昼夜)        
甘井子供电局        86652368(昼) 86658292(夜)
中山环保分局        82659401        
西岗环保分局        82499596
沙河口环保分局        84306461        
甘井子环保分局        86653384
市土地规划局        83634278        
土地规划局中山分局        82808719
土地规划局西岗分局        83625012        
土地规划局沙河口分局        84312422
土地规划局甘井子分局        86641909        
市劳动局        83634982
市劳动监察大队        82819976        
电信运行维护部        82808080
电信经营业务部        82819090        
邮政中心局        82806060
市外管中心        83623622        
市纠风办        83624245
市有线电视公司        83611308(昼夜)        
有线电视公司中山区管理所        82815833
有线电视公司西岗区管理所        83692094        
有线电视公司沙河口区管理所        84635894
有线电视公司甘井子区管理所        86597841        
中山区信访办        82637388
西岗区信访办        83635970        
沙河口区信访办        84312097
甘井子区信访办        86652493        
旅顺口区信访办        86613021
开发区信访办        87611599        
金州区信访办        87682154
庄河市信访办        88612470        
普兰店市信访办        89613339
瓦房店市信访办        85616950        
长海县信访办        88682315
市委、市政府信访办        83632274

大连晚报:   84323110
大连日报:   82561111
半岛晨报:   82488888
新商报:      82828000
辽沈晚报:  (024)22716250
电视台21点直播室:  84540091
电视台新视点:        84540099
                  :        126---新视点
作者: missbaby    时间: 2007-11-8 18:38
作者: cnjeans    时间: 2007-12-17 10:25
标题: 丘比特(Cupid)却对她一见钟情……
丘比特(Cupid)却对她一见钟情……Cupid and Psyche(1)
Once there was a king who had three daughters. Psyche was the youngest and most beautiful. She was so beautiful that the silk socks in her land began to neglect Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, to worship Psyche instead. Venus became jealous and eventually so angry that she sought revenge. Venus went to her Single Brush, Cupid, and asked him to make Psyche fall in love with a hideous monster.
Cupid agreed but upon setting his Single Head Copy Routing Machine on Psyche, he fell in love with her. He was unable to carry out his mother's wishes. Meanwhile, Psyche's father, the king, was trying to marry her off with her sisters. Unfortunately, no one wanted to marry Psyche because she was too beautiful. The Silk Neckties was very upset, and consulted Apollo 's oracle. The Oracle told him to leave Psyche on a mountainside where a serpent would take her away.   
On the mountain, Psyche waited patiently in Single Head Welding Machine . She sat and sat, but the serpent never came for her. Instead, Zephyr, the most gentle of winds, carried her away. In the morning, Psyche awoke. She looked around her and saw a castle.ISink Cabinet, she wandered toward it. As she got closer, Psyche noticed that the palace was Sink & Vessel.
Psyche neared the threshold and was surprised to hear voices calling her name. She entered the palace and listened as the voices directed her about her skid steer loader. "We are your servants. Everything you see around you is Skating socks."
Psyche had everything she had ever wanted, but something was missing, or rather someone. As evening neared, the voices told Psyche that her slate tiles would be returning. He came to her in total darkness, but she wasn't afraid. Psyche knew that he couldn't be a Slate Stack Stone.
作者: 这位客官    时间: 2008-2-14 10:04
作者: 艾鱼1212    时间: 2008-3-3 18:47
作者: haohao10000    时间: 2008-3-17 18:25
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 惊喜促销    时间: 2008-6-19 11:50
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 沃通通讯    时间: 2009-1-10 16:52
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 别说    时间: 2009-11-11 19:17
标题: 求助

作者: inerxxl    时间: 2010-12-15 11:25
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作者: inerxxl    时间: 2010-12-21 14:54
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作者: inerxxl    时间: 2011-1-2 15:39
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作者: inerxxl    时间: 2011-1-21 10:36
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作者: inerxxl    时间: 2011-2-1 10:58
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作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-4-16 10:57

The Boulders of course is set among

year old rocks to give you pause. The Raven Golf Club at Verrado uses natural desert titleist ap2 710 ironsterrain and plays in and around the washes. The White Tank Mountains make a powerful backdrop.
And for a real
callaway ft-iz fairway woodsleeper try the newly revamped Legend Trails, it’s a strategic course” as described by it’s designer Rees Jones.
作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-4-18 13:52

Give that a try on your next trip

to the range and you'll be amazed to see that dreaded slice going away, especially if you use this in taylormade r11 fairway woodconjunction with the rest of the "The Simple Golf Swing" system. I know this probably seems callaway diablo edge hybridincredibly simple to anyone who has been battling a slice forever, but just remember that simple solutions are usually the most effective.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-4-22 11:53
Training your body to improve
stability in your swing can get a little complex if you really want to see results. The swing happens at callaway razr hawk driverbetween 80-100 miles an hour. One of the biggest flaws of amateur golfers is moving in their golf swing. Moving either laterally (sliding), vertically (up and done) or both. This is mizuno mx-1000 ironsdeath to your golf swing. To improve your stability involves specific strength drills most trainers don’t even know about.
作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-4-25 14:04

Instead of trying to teach people to play like Tiger

what I think teachers should be doing is teaching Joe Average to simply play like Joe Average. Every player has his or taylormade r11 fairway woodown set of assets and also limitations and should play within those limitations. If you want to improve your game, you callaway diablo edge hybridshould learn, within the framework of your own limitations and assets, how to square the club to the target line at impact. This is what golf is all about.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-4-26 13:59
Fortunately there are not many months

left before the golf season are back in full play no matter where you live but if you can’t wait that long there callaway razr hawk driveris always the Easter holidays in between. Golfing is a great form of exercise as well as just relaxing and getting out mizuno mx-1000 ironsof the house for a while. Hopefully spring will come early this year so those golf clubs do not have to sit in the corner completely useless for too long
作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-6 12:14

Planning on becoming the next Tiger Woods

If so, the first thing you might consider is getting some new golf clubs. Choosing the right golf clubs can make the differencecallaway razr hawk driver between spending your time on the fairways and greens and spending your time in the rough. Although famed golfer Benmizuno mx-1000 irons Hogan once said, "The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight", for my money, having the right set of golf clubs runs this a close second.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-14 18:03

Shop Callaway Drivers

There are many components that go into a perfect golf swing and the golf club is only one of them. You will still need to have the right grip, stance, setup position, and ball position to start with. Your fundamental golf swing taylormade burner superfast 2.0 driver has to be decent and consistent. The benefit to these Callaway Golf clubs is that they are more forgiving and they can correct slight golf swing faults. You also get to custom fit your clubs, which is extremely important to the way you will be able to swing your clubs. So, ping g15 fairway go ahead and check out all the Callaway Golf range of clubs and accessories by visiting Shop Callaway Drivers! today.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-16 11:23

Golf Bag Finders

The first piece of equipment you should invest in is a golf bag. Golf bags, while not cheap, are a worthy investment especially if you intend to play the game for a long time. You will carry everything else in your golf [B]taylormade burner superfast 2.0 fairway wood[/B] bag. There are some things to keep in mind as you compare the different brands, styles, and prices. The first thing to keep in mind is the bag should be comfortable to carry. The next thing to decide is if you want a bag with a built-in stand which is highly recommended if you don’t want to rent a cart or hire a caddy every time you play. A golf ball finder is another wise investment. Most of the time
[B]taylormade burner 2.0 irons[/B] you can get a pair of special eyeglasses that eliminate the grass from your field of vision so that your ball will show up brighter. Golf ball finders help beginners for two reasons.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-18 14:37
Keep the Head behind the Ball

After having reached impact, you will need to keep the head behind the ball. You will find there’s drill known as the whoosh drill, which fits a long way as a helping agent in accomplishing good extension plus an increase in speed. Moreover it plays a part in synchronizing the torso [B]discount golf clubs[/B], hand and arm movement, something that will result in more distance through the tee. Overall, golf driving tips are easy enough to find but until and unless one implements these tips and techniques, it is impossible to improve your skill and earn full use [B]taylormade r11 driver[/B] of the expert consultancy and recommendations. Thanks for reading my article, if you want to read much more golf swing tips; you may read my other golf tips. I would also like to recommend this PING G15 Fairway Wood for you!

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-19 14:23

The Beginning of The Downswing

Just what exactly this accomplishes is a smooth transition out of backswing to the beginning of the downswing. Gone now are the hurried jerky exercises this used to get people into problem. If you take the club immediately backwards and regularly conduct [B]taylormade burner superfast 2.0 fairway wood[/B] the exact for the all the way down swing then the chances are of getting the club head back squarely to the ball is very thin in truth if not nigh out of the question.Pace is the key word here and not calm. An even unhurried back swing permits an even improve through at the top that'll get [B]taylormade burner 2.0 irons[/B] facial area rectangle back for to the ball to target set consistently by using excess distance.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-20 16:47
Driver for Golfers

Cleveland worked with various partner companies in order to produce lightweight materials to create the driver.The cost for this drive is about $300 but it is worth it. You might want to pair [B]discount golf clubs[/B] with a high quality ball as well. So look advanced balls which are preferred by professional golfers. You can easily find one in the store or online. You can also look at golf ball reviews so you will know what to look for in a ball. You don't have to go for expensive balls but if you are using a Cleveland driver you might as well spend on the balls. Using superior quality equipment will [B]taylormade r11 driver[/B] certainly affect your performance in the game but remember that this does not happen overtime. You need to constantly practice to be good and to excel in this game.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-21 18:19
本帖最后由 adidasts413 于 2011-5-21 18:22 编辑

Forged Iron Heads

Irons provide
several different styles and options, split up into two broad categories: cast irons or forged irons. Surefire heads are recommended for beginners since they provide a large sweet spot and are more forgiving
[B]new golf clubs[/B] on accuracy. Forged iron heads come with a flat, weighted back which supplies
an improved center of gravity and results in a more concentrated sweet spot and more control for experienced players. Associated with pension transfer
varieties of human endeavor, in golf there is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution. What's right for each other
is probably not
[B]mx 700 fairway wood[/B] for you. Club fitting with the help of club professional is an effective
starting point for

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-5-24 14:21
本帖最后由 adidasts413 于 2011-5-24 14:23 编辑

R9 Supermax Fairway Wood
The Taylormade R9 Supermax Fairway Wood is made for MAX distance and MAX ease of use. The extremely forgiving 460cc conforming black SuperMax features high MOI and high launch and [B]discount golf clubs[/B] big carry due to a deep and low center of gravity. The shallower face and larger head deliver a large sweet spot and confidence at address. The additional advantage of sharing the same space for the development of new designs with the servicing of our players is capturing their input [B]taylormade r11 driver[/B] and applying it to clubs and balls that will eventually be introduced to the average player.
作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-6-17 15:27
Golf Cart Batteries

You must also look whether they are in the rectify positions. Now you have to inspect the batteries of your cart which may be done only after removing the seat of your cart. You must check whether the cables connected [B]taylormade r11 driver[/B] to the batteries are with resolute determination connected. If not, you may tighten the cables using the adaptable wrench. Another indispensable thing is checking the water level of your cart batteries. According to the instructions provided, you ought to add distilled water [B]r11 driver[/B] so as to rectify the water level immediately. The condition of the electrical connections and wirings will have to likewise be checked out.

作者: adidasts413    时间: 2011-6-24 15:57
Major Golf Tournament

Rory McIlroy is lapping the field at the 2011 U.S. Open. He is not only beating the field this year, but in year's past. No one has been further under par after two rounds in an open than McIlroy, and his temporary 13-under par is the lowest anyone has ever been at any point in a U.S. Open. Y.E. Yang will remain unfazed [B]taylormade r11 driver[/B]. It was only two years ago when Yang was presumed to be out of a major tournament as he trailed the invincible Tiger Woods by six shots heading into the third round of the PGA Championship.Even after Yang closed that gap to two strokes to close out the third round and move into second place [B]r11 driver[/B] no one gave the little known player a chance—and for good reason. Woods had never lost a tournament after holding a lead after 54 holes.

作者: 13838689534    时间: 2011-9-24 21:12
作者: 13838689534    时间: 2011-9-24 21:12

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